Wet Painting Systems
innovative, economical and flexible.

Users in need of maximum flexibility and the possibility of subsequent repair of damages generally prefer wet painting systems.
DURST offers a wide variety of models, from the compact container system AIRSEC Vario up to freely movable industrial installations with automatic control.
Perfect exhaust configurations with filters, as well as a precise temperature control are provided, so the resulting lacquer structure leaves nothing to be desired. Energy consumption can considerably be reduced by sectional control and frequency converters. Of course, our wet painting systems are exactly tailored to the existing processes of the clientele and the spatial conditions at the site.

– innovative, economical and flexible.
– innovative, economical and flexible.
DURST Powder Coating Systems
Contact us today and we’ll be glad to show you completely new ways of surface coating with a DURST powder coat system.
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 18
74343 Sachsenheim
Phone: +49(0)7147-70800-20
E-Mail: info@durst-pulverbeschichtungsanlagen.de