Cleaning Booth
wash, clean & prepare
Any coating is only so good
like the cleaned surface to which it is applied.
The first step of any workpiece is a thorough cleaning. Of course, we offer you a variety of system types that can be perfectly adapted to your workflows and processes. Starting with degreasing, cleaning, pickling, rinsing up to phosphating and a variety of other possible processes, we offer you everything you need before the actual coating
lay the foundation for a perfect product.
As usual, DURST systems fit perfectly into your existing work areas and, thanks to their scalability, offer completely new possibilities for the effective use of work space. In order to be able to optimally adapt to your processes, we will find the right type of system for you.
„The Next Level“ – washing cubicles
For large to small parts, our washing cabin is suitable for all types of workpieces. It is designed for large workpieces, but can also be used for small parts if equipped with a washing machine and thus offers the greatest variety if the workpieces to be treated vary frequently and are not subject to a fixed size.
Chamber Type Pretreatment System
Chamber Type Pretreatment System
If however a conveyor system is already in place, a chamber type pretreatment system represents the perfect solution. It can be operated manually or in automated routines and still features compact dimensions. As the entry and exit position of the workpieces is identical, these items can be placed everywhere within the building, also close to a wall.
Continuous Flow Pretreatment System
Continuous Flow Pretreatment System
Continuous flow pretreatment systems, like chamber type models, are coupled to a conveyor system. Note that in this case entry and exit are at opposite positions, in order to speed up the process. This method is preferred when faster exchange intervals and higher utilization rates are desired.
Treatment of Waste Water
In order to save cost and raw material for pretreatment systems, professional waste water processing should not be forgotten. For this topic, Durst offers a qualified selection of units based on different working principles:
The resulting waste water can be guided through evaporators, coalescence oil separators, or subjected to chemical-physical methods. These units are operated in closed loop preventing liquid to escape, and enabling precise monitoring of the composition in each distinct purification stage. This way, a detailed analysis of the results is possible anytime.
– innovative, economical and flexible.
– innovative, economical and flexible.
DURST Powder Coating Systems
Contact us today and we’ll be glad to show you completely new ways of surface coating with a DURST powder coat system.
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 18
74343 Sachsenheim
Phone: +49(0)7147-70800-20